Funeral Plans | Compare Funeral Plans
To JOIN, SMS 'FUNERAL' to 34453, and we’ll call you to assist with your application.
Persons over the age of 65 at date of joining do not qualify.
Up to a maximum of 5 children can be covered under the main member/spouse’s funeral plan benefit.
Payouts are age-dependent. Persons over the age of 65 years do not qualify.
Payout for death by natural causes, accidental death and suicide. Various waiting periods apply. Refer to the Funeral Plan policy document.
Main member, spouse, and children
between the ages of 14-21 years.
Additional accidental death benefit payout
There is no waiting period for the Additional Accidental Death benefit.
Paid out on the death of the main member or main member’s spouse only.
Additional children benefit
5 children under the age of 21 are covered for FREE in your funeral cover but you can add extra children for a small additional monthly premium.
Cover limited to a maximum of three additional children.
Parents/parents-in-law benefit
For a small additional monthly premium per parent/parent-in-law, you can cover up to 4 parents/parents-in-law. Persons over the age of 75 at date of joining do not qualify.
For a small additional monthly premium, you can add a maximum of four extended family members to your policy. There is a limit on the extended family members that can be covered in your funeral cover. Please call 0861 333 333 to find out more. Persons over the age of 75 at date of joining do not qualify.
For a small additional premium, the Breadwinner’s benefit gives the nominated beneficiary cash for 12 months after the death of the main member. Persons over the age of 65 at date of joining do not qualify.
Benefit A
Monthly payout of
R500 for 12 months
Benefit B
Monthly payout of
R1 000 for 12 months
Terms and conditions apply. For more information, please click here and read our funeral plan policy document.
To JOIN, SMS 'FUNERAL' to 34453, and we’ll call you to assist with your application.